Friday 10 July 2009


Just a little note to say how great it is to finally let people see the results of all our hard work tonight at the first screening of Splendid - our comedy sketch show.
It's going to be a great night, and I feel very proud.

Normally, first screenings of any work are full of trepidation, even when screening to people who want to like your work!

We have deliberately set the guest list up with a range of people, and over half the audience are not connected to the show, and only know what's out there on the internet. So, it will be great to gauge genuine reaction.

I'm so sorry to anyone who didn't get on the guest list for this screening. Sadly, resources only stretch so far, but hopefully we will have another one soon.

At the risk of sounding smug, my excitement to screen this show vastly outweighs the nerves. And, that's the first time that's ever happened.

A good sign.



laurence timms said...

Best of luck. Sorry I couldn't be there. It'll be dead fabulous.

Piers said...

Sad I couldn't make it to the do. Can't wait to watch!